Assalamualaikum and helloos,
Till then,
Hope I write more in clinical years ya ahaha
Amboi seketul, for this so late post entry.
Clinical years will begin for me the next few days. And we have orientation for that. I am amazed how we still got orientation even to start clinical years, I hope I can stay focus during orientation though, hehe
So, we will talk more on clinical years in my future posts. Right now, we gonna talk on our pre-clinical years mainly year 2 since I had wrote about year 1 in my previous post here.
With our beloved pathologists
Year 2
Actually before starting year 2, I am quite nervous because year 2, not only you have to focus on professional exam (exam that includes stuff that you learn in year 1 and 2) but you also have to finish your research. For research though, I am utterly thankful that my lecturers (supervisors and co-supervisors) were super helpful and taught us a lot. I kinda regret only getting B+ for research though, I mean I am happy but I feel as though it is not appropiate to present such marks to our supervisors...
(Can Dm me through twitter : @aisyahxyz if you want to ask my recommendations for getting supervisors, okay?)
Okay about research, theres that.
Research mates and supervisors
For professional exam, Alhamdulillah I passed it in one go. Thank you for my parents, family and friends for your kind doa. And Alhamdulillah, my classmates, our batch - all did pass professional exam and supplement exam, and they said that our batch is the only batch that had all passing students.
My advice for professional exam, know your level of understanding for each block. Know what you dont know. Better to start early if you recognize that you had low understanding for certain blocks. Mine specifically is block 6. So I kinda start block 6 earlier, and focus on things that I dont understand. If you want detail advices, ask away your seniors, it is better to not only ask seniors that pass in one go, but also ask seniors that had to go through viva and supplement exam.
You will realised how different in way they are giving advices. I did ask my senior who went through supplement exam, and she said that I shouldn't be too relax about it, to start worry about it and start studying (I am more to a relax kind of nature) so these kind of advices did influence me to study.
So these are my kind of which blocks that I find:
- Hard : Block 6
- Favourite : Block 2 and block 8
- Score the most: Block 5 and block 8
- I wish I kind take it again: Block 3 and Block 8
- I wish it ends faster : Block 6
- Subjects that I love: Physiology and biochem (although I always forget biochem)
1st Row : Block 1 to 5
2nd Row : Block 6 to 9
I am mix learning style kind of person. I can learn through laptop / mobile so most of my lecture notes I did not print it (except for block 1 and 2 #masihnoob) and for other blocks, I just print difficult lectures. Because graphic is better if I learn through phone and I can zoom whatever I want. Shout out to classmates for coming up with google drive idea for our class where we share all the lecture notes.
Actually I want to give full advice on how to pass prof exam, but I am kinda lazy + I think not everybody study the same way like I do. Also who am I to give study tips cause I am just an average student in my class. Along year 1 and year 2, I never encountered any A for my End Of Block (EOB) exam but it was fine, I get to do other stuff as well. To get an A for me, I think I have to work extra hard to extent I have to just study study study. I can't do that ahaha
For books, books that I love is:
- Guyton's (Physiology)
- Stuart Ira Fox (Physiology) - Mostly I used in block 5
- Lippincott (Pharmacology)
- Robbins (Pathology)
These are the lists that I used the most. I kinda regret buying Lange books as I dont understand it (difficult English words for me). For Guyton, I don't really want to buy RM200+ kind of books so what I did was I borrowed from Cais Medic and renew it everytime using online (Cais One Search) which can be used to renew three times and sometimes I had to carry the books back to faculty to renew it because that's the rule uhuhu. So you can use this way or some of my friends sneaked out the books which I don't recommend doing it. Do the hard way guys.
Mainly for pre-clinical years, most of your life is balancing your medical classes, generic classes, elective classes and stuff like research and family health visits. For elective classes, I kinda recommend you guys to take language faculty courses as these courses - though they may have a lot of assessments (oral, writing exam - just simple kinda way) but they dont have much workloads. I took Arabic Level 1 class and French Level 1 class and we didn't have to do video or heavy assignments. I also took Medical Fiqh from my own faculty (also recommended), it's like dengar ceramah, also have practicals, less assessments but more assignment (do video and kinda heavy assignment). It's not heavy like a burden but yeah you know my English very low one ahaha.
Family health was okay, I am very thankful to my foster family and my foster siblings. I want to show photos of them but I want to respect my foster family in case they hate it if I share it through blogs. Cause blogs are different, once you post, there are chances that the pictures can be find through google search, so yeah.
Side story, I also participated in sports tournaments during this year which were MIVG and medical sport tournament within our faculty.
Other pictures:
Kolej Rafflesia, though people always associate this college with buaya but nah I haven't seen one in this college till this day.
I will say, I love year 2 one of it because of this college. My prayers come true when I want a single room ahaha. Staying single in double room yeass 100%.
But staying in this college makes you depend on transportation a lot.
My close circle of friends:
Junior mates
PBL mates
I love how people always come to my house because they find my housemates very friendly.
Anak solehah mates
Usrah mates
InsyaAllah, let's work hard for clinical years guys.
If you were to ask me,
"Year 1 or year 2?"
I would say year 2, though it was much busier year kihkih.
Till then,
Hope I write more in clinical years ya ahaha