Sunday, August 23, 2020

How clinical postings done during COVID19 season

 Assalamualaikum & helloo

I feel like the need to write this because one day I will look back and say, hey I once undergo this. So okay, we have been online classes for theory since June (or May? I cant remember) to July at home (actual home). Then,we are required to come back to our university college 2 weeks earlier before our clinical postings start especially to those who lived in West and Sabah (since our univ is UNIMAS).

So for clinical, we received from Unimas, surgical masks (bertali okay), face shield, apron, gloves. So we need to wear masks all the time, obviously. And wear our face shield and apron especially in gp clinic. My rotation didnt required to go to hospital yet, but from what I heard, students are limited to 5 students to be in ward. And we even have schedule to enter the ward. 

The actual clinical experience was lessen tbh but it didnt deprived our clerking and doing physical examinations that bad. We still did it but not as much as before COVID season


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How clinical postings done during COVID19 season

 Assalamualaikum & helloo I feel like the need to write this because one day I will look back and say, hey I once undergo this. So okay,...